Fairfax camp

Win 1 Week of Camp + Support Kids

We are proud to be YES Business Partners and donors to the online auction again this year (in addition to the 4 weeks of camp we have donated elsewhere this year).

YES supports funding for arts programming (among other things) in the Ross Valley School District, which we are proud to stand behind. We believe art, music and PE are critical aspects of education for all children.

Go here to bid on your child's week of camp.

How to make the roads safer for bikes

Fairfax Festival Parade 2015

Fairfax Festival Parade 2015

If you're like us, and ride at all on the roads, you've had more than your fair share of close calls with cars who are out to teach you a lesson, or just not paying attention. This is so very scary, and reminds us that, in addition to getting more kids on bikes and getting safer bike lanes built, we need to change the way drivers think about cyclists. 
We came across this blog today, and think it sounds like a great strategy to get drivers on board with driving safely around cyclists. What do you think?

Mythology storytelling festival

Photo by James Cacciatore.

Photo by James Cacciatore.

We are filling up as summer draws nearer, so if you're still on the fence, here are a few things to consider while you're making summer plans. One of the things which sets us apart from other camps, is that we are owned and run by local school teachers. Though we're not about to add a mythology storytelling festival to camp, we thought some of you (who aren't familiar with Manor School) might be interested to see what our owner and founder does for a day job!Here's a link to a great write-up of what goes on in Mr. Brown's class during the school year. 
This got us thinking, maybe we should expand Crazy Outfit Friday to include coming as your favorite figure from mythology? What do you say? Rest assured, our campers get the benefit of the thoughtful attention of educators who plan and run each day, start to finish. And if you haven't seen it yet, check out our video about a day at camp here.

Check Out Our Awesome New Video

We feel fortunate and proud to be able to work with some great people. Among them, is Satchel Cronk. Satchel has been a counselor and adult leader who agreed to share his photography skills with us - you may remember seeing him and his photo gear?

In addition to the fabulous still shots you see on our site (including the one on the right) and Instagram account, Satchel has created the above video. We think he captured the story of a day at Fairfax Cycling Camp with skill, finesse and beauty. Can you spot yourself? Check it out and be sure to share with your friends.

Thanks, Satchel! If you want to follow Satchel on Instagram to see his other photos and videos, click here

If watching this video makes you yearn for hot summer days on the bike, you're in luck! Summer camp registration is now open, so grab your spot while we've still got 'em.

See you on the trails!

Announcing the launch of our Mentorship Program!

A crew of mentors teaching campers.

A crew of mentors teaching campers.

At FXCC, we understand that healthy connections are critical for children (and adults!) to safely learn, grow, and develop self-esteem - this is true in the classroom, and on the bike. This year, all of our Counselors will get more training and guidance via our Mentorship Program. 

When our regular campers reach high school, they are given the opportunity to become counselors, and our community grows bigger and stronger. We select our Counselors because of the innate capacities they have, and enhance those through sharing our years of expertise working with children in a variety of educational, athletic, and therapeutic settings. Because we value our Counselors, we are making a greater commitment to provide them with training which will serve them throughout their academic and vocational careers. 

Graduates of our Mentorship Program gain experience with:  

  • Responsibly caring for groups of children
  • Safety & First Aid  
  • Understanding and managing group dynamics (we teach specific techniques)
  • Social/Emotional Development
  • Building Curriculum
  • Successfully managing a variety of personalities and abilities

We get to know our Counselors pretty well over the course of their participation and happily draft recommendation letters for all participants to use as they enter college and the workforce. Please email us if you have additional questions.