bike safety

Bicycles Change Lives (2)


We came across this awesome, inspiring video yesterday about the East Side Riders Bike Club, "a volunteer organization in South Central Los Angeles with a mission to improve Watts through community service, charity work, and bike programs aimed at keeping local youth out of gang activity."

This all-volunteer, grassroots group teaches kids how to bike safely, provides helmets, teaches bike repair, and leads weekly rides. Please take a minute to watch the video, and show it to your kids. Their Facebook page is full of videos of their Friday night rides, bike repair classes and more. Consider a donation or purchasing some of their cool swag to support their critical work. 

How to make the roads safer for bikes

Fairfax Festival Parade 2015

Fairfax Festival Parade 2015

If you're like us, and ride at all on the roads, you've had more than your fair share of close calls with cars who are out to teach you a lesson, or just not paying attention. This is so very scary, and reminds us that, in addition to getting more kids on bikes and getting safer bike lanes built, we need to change the way drivers think about cyclists. 
We came across this blog today, and think it sounds like a great strategy to get drivers on board with driving safely around cyclists. What do you think?