Check out the film "Screenagers"

Have you seen the new film, Screenagers? It was produced by two local moms, and takes on the proliferation of screens in our children's lives, which has happened so quickly, many of us parents have been uncertain how to handle it. The film is thought provoking and good for parents and kids alike. Among the suggestions in the film is to start a weekly "Tech Talk Tuesday,"  to talk about screen usage as a family every Tuesday at dinner. Parents are also encouraged to self reflect and honestly share their own struggles with screen usage. Anything that gets kids and parents thinking and talking together more is a good thing! Check the schedule here

Last summer, JJ coined the term, "XBox Detox" to sum up part of what we do at camp. Phones are in pockets at camp, and our campers are on their bikes, playing games, and otherwise spending time face to face with nature and others. Consider giving your child the gift of a week of good old fashioned summer fun at Fairfax Cycling Camp - it's good for body, mind and heart!