Summer 2021 Update

Happy New Year! We hope this finds you and your family healthy and well.

We know this pandemic has been hard on you and your kids, and we want to provide an update to our plans for summer 2021.

Camp looked quite different last summer, and we are pleased to report that campers had a great time, and we were able to maintain safety, during the first summer of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look toward the summer of 2021, we know we can again provide a safe and fun experience for our campers - within public health parameters.

Since there is still a ton of uncertainty about what camp will look like and how it will safely function, we have decided to try a different approach to our typical registration process by gauging parent interest and availability first, and building our camp around that - within current (closer-to-summer) public health guidelines. Tuition will be at our 2018 rate of $435 per week (if we can do one week camps), and last summer’s fee of $1200 for three-week sessions. No early-bird rates. We will collect payment down the road when we have confirmed these details. Phew! Did you get all of that??

So, if you have a sense of what your family’s schedule will look like this summer, we ask you to login to your account here, or go here to create your camp account, and “register” for the weeks you’d like. You can also check out our Summer Bike Camp page here for a listing of current weeks.

As summer draws closer, and as we have a clearer sense of what public health guidelines will be, we will reach back out to update and confirm your registration, and collect payment. We cannot guarantee you the weeks you choose now, but we will do our best, based on the many constraints within which we will be operating.

How might camp look? We really don’t know. We may have to operate three-week-long camps again, have strict, 12 rider cohorts, or we may be able to do one week camps and looser cohorts. Did we say we really don’t know?

Mostly, we want you to know that we are planning to have a camp in 2021, and that we are being as thoughtful as we can about all of the variables and needs we are managing - the safety of our community being paramount.

Thank you for your patience, and we hope to see you all on the trail (safely, with masks, and distancing, and maybe vaccinated!?) in 2021!